The greater half of my work is focused on “food education” or “shoku-iku” in Japanese, which literally translates to “food nurturing or rearing”. Pointing to the fact that without proper food education, we cannot grow into healthy adults, nor can we experience living to its greatest potential. From agriculture, distribution systems, the education sector, etiquette and ritual, seasonality, and eating techniques, Japan’s abundance of shokuiku can now be unlocked from language and cultural barriers. I share these ideas and practical uses through writing, media appearances, programming advisory, and events.

For access to one of the below one-page market insight reports, or for other business queries, please kindly complete the form found on the CONTACT page.

  • Plant-based Consumer Market in Tokyo

  • Plant-based Consumer Market in Japan

  • Japanese Food System

  • Sustainable and Regenerative Agriculture in Japan

  • Japanese Food Education

  • Etiquette and the Japanese Table

Past Work